Instagram Inspiration For Your Interior Design Brand

Creating a consistent stream of captivating Instagram posts and thinking of content ideas for interior designers can be daunting and overwhelming at times! When running a small business, specifically in the home design industry, Instagram and social media can feel like a full-time job in itself! Having an engaging presence on the platform requires time and energy that a lot of us feel we don’t have. Posting regularly on your feed, sharing on stories, plus engaging with your followers - it’s a lot! However, with some planning, batch content creation, and focus, you can create a thriving feed that both you and your audience are excited about. 

If you want to learn more about how you can turn Instagram followers into customers, read this blog

Create a feed that shows clearly what you do, and how you do it

Your feed should be a hub of activity showcasing your brand clearly. 

Tip: don’t post all of your project photos as soon as you receive them. Start to stretch reveal photos to create evergreen content and prolong the excitement. Tease your audience with sneak peeks often! 

If you already feel a little overwhelmed, firstly - do not worry. Secondly, know that many brands delegate their Instagram duties to professionals. Hiring a social media manager is a great step in growing your business online.

Let us inspire you with some content ideas to keep your Instagram fresh, and hopefully lighten the mental load of having to think of content to post each week.

Get on Reels

If you’re not utilizing Instagram reels, now is the time. The reels feature is the perfect place to showcase your work. Think of reels as the TikTok of Instagram, you can create short videos along with trending sounds to captivate your audience, and also attract new ones! Reels are a great way for new followers to find you. People love to get a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes and see how the professionals do it. Think of showing your process and before/after footage. 

The key, when deciding whether or not to put certain content on a reel, is to consider your audience. Instagram is first and foremost a marketing tool for your business, your priority is in posting what potential clients are searching for. Focus on posting what your followers want, as opposed to what other home brands are posting. Reels are a great way to share what makes you unique.

Solo Product Shot

Take a photo of one image against a white background. The aim of this is to really showcase something clearly! Then describe how you would use/style it! 

Tip: Set up a RewardStyle account to earn commission on product links. You can also collaborate with product companies.

Educational Posts

Select one theme to expand on, such as a ‘how to’ post or a ‘how is this made’ post. You can also showcase how you solved a specific design challenge for a client. These posts can be a combination of text and media (imagery and photography).

Seek + Find

Ask your followers to spot a specific detail in the photo. 

Tip: The longer people look at an image, the higher it performs and the more your profile is shown on people's feeds.


This is a great idea for an Instagram Reel or story post. Taking your followers with you as you check in on your projects is a really great way to spark their curiosity about your work and keep them engaged for the content you’ll eventually roll out about it. 

Styling Videos

Share how you would style specific elements of a space, focusing on a certain theme. Share all of the items you use for staging day and explain why you’ve used them. It’s educational and makes for great imagery on your profile.

Engagement Posts

Post polls, Q&A, and other interactive elements to get your followers engaging with you. Ask them to choose using ‘this or that’ posts, pop question boxes on your stories, and make them feel a part of something.

If you’re feeling uninspired to post on Instagram we hope these ideas give you a bit of a starting point to get the creative juices flowing again.

For additional Instagram marketing strategies, click here to learn about the 3 C’s.

If you want help growing your business and social media, we’re here to help! Click here to schedule a Complimentary Brand Consultation. We can’t wait to hear about your offer and your mission and grow it into something even bigger! 



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