How to Attract Your Dream Client

Owning your own business comes with challenges but also beautiful opportunities, such as defining your dream clients and working with people you feel aligned to and who lift you up.

But working with your dream clients doesn’t come overnight. Here are 5 ways to help you start attracting them now. 

1.Get to REALLY know your dream client

The first important step is to really, and we mean really, know your dream client. The better you will know and understand them, the more equipped you will be to attract them.

Go in details. That will help you to have a clear image of who that one ideal person is. Here are some questions you will want to answer about your dream client. This is a non-exhaustive list. Feel free to add as much information as you can and want. 

  • Who are they? Are they women, men, both? How old are they? Where are they from? 

  • What is their environment? Where do they live? With whom? Do they have kids? What does their house look like? 

  • What do they do? What is their job? How do they spend their days? What is their daily schedule?

  • What do they like? What are their passions? What are they interested in? What do they like to do during their free time? What kind of shows do they watch? What kind of publications do they read? What are their hobbies? What makes them happy? Do they like to travel?

  • What are they struggling with? What are their fears? What do they stress about? 

  • What do they wonder about? What are their big life questions? What are their aspirations? 

  • What are their goals? What do they dream about? And how do they feel about these dreams?

  • What do they get frustrated with? What would they like to change? 

Write down the answers to these questions and revisit them often. By writing it down instead of just quickly think about it you will make the image of your client clearer and clearer. 

2. Connect with your ideal client WHERE they are

Once you know who your ideal client is, you will also better know where to find them. Then you can make sure to put yourself in those same situations. 

Let say your dream client is a young female entrepreneur and you realized that she has an Instagram account that she checks every morning and every night. This gives you precious information on where to post and when. If your ideal audience is more on Instagram than on LinkedIn then you also should be more on Instagram than LinkedIn. 

If you know that your ideal client likes to read certain interior design online magazines then you can target those magazines to get your content published there and be in front of your audience when they consume information. 

3. Keep your ideal client in mind at all time

Before creating anything, let it be a new offer or a new piece of content, make sure to put yourself in your ideal client’s shoes. Your content and offer want to provide solutions to their problems and address their dreams and goals. The more they will feel like you “get them” the more they will be attracted by you. 

Also, use language and metaphors that speak directly to them and that they use as well. They will feel closer to you that way like they are reading something from a friend. 

4. Share your story

Share your personal story, especially the parts that are similar to your ideal client’s current situation. Bring them into your world, show a vulnerable and authentic side of you. This will help them to relate to you and to feel closer to you. By building this trustworthy relationship you are increasing your chances to work with them in the future. 

You can share your story on your social media, on a blog, on a podcast, during a live or masterclass. 

5. Be visually appealing

Be attractive to your ideal client in all aspects of your business. Your website, your social media, your newsletter, your flyers, your business cards… All channels should be branded in a way that speaks to your audience. Research colors, fonts, images to create a visual identity that feels appealing to your audience while representing your vision. You want your brand to share and evokes emotions and draw customers into your world. 

Get ready to support your dream clients and learn to say “no” to clients who do not feel aligned with you. This will allow you to focus fully on your ideal clients and make space for them. If you are always busy working for the “wrong kind of clients” your energy will be drained and you will miss out on opportunities to develop your ideal network.

If you need help defining your ideal client and finding the right strategy to attract them, contact us. Click here to schedule a Complimentary Brand Consultation. 

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